About Frederick S. Lane
Frederick S. Lane is a nationally-recognized expert on privacy and the impact of emerging technologies on society. He is the author of eight mainstream non-fiction books:
Cybertraps for Expecting Moms & Dads (Mathom Press 2017).
Cybertraps for Educators (Mathom Press 2015)
Cybertraps for the Young (NTI Upstream 2011). A look at the legal trouble that teens and pre-teens can get into through the use and misuse of electronic devices, and advice for parents on how to minimize the risks and protect their children.
American Privacy: The 400-Year History of Our Most Contested Right (Beacon Press 2010). A page-turning narrative of privacy and the evolution of communication, from broken sealing wax to high-tech wiretapping.
The Court and the Cross: The Religious Right’s Crusade to Reshape the Supreme Court (Beacon Press 2008). The history and politics behind the Religious Right’s thirty-year campaign to reshape the federal judiciary in general and the U.S. Supreme Court in particular.
The Decency Wars: The Campaign to Cleanse American Culture (Prometheus Books 2006). A critical look at efforts to impose standards of decency on American culture and the rising role of religion in politics, social policy, and science.
The Naked Employee: How Technology Is Compromising Workplace Privacy (Amacom 2003). An overview of innovations in surveillance technology and the impact that they are having on workplace privacy.
Obscene Profits: The Entrepreneurs of Pornography in the Cyber Age (Routledge 2000). An entertaining look at the history of pornography and the social, legal, and economic forces that have combined to make the online pornography industry so successful.
Vermont Jury Instructions—Civil and Criminal [with John Dinse and Richie Berger] (Butterworths Legal Publishers 1993). Co-authored book summarizing Vermont jury practice and providing model jury instructions for civil and criminal trials.
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Recent Lecture Topics
The following is a short list of recent topics presented by Frederick S. Lane, along with a brief description of each.
Cybertraps for the Young — Based on Lane’s newest book, this presentation is designed to educate parents, teachers, and students about the legal trouble that children can find themselves in through careless or malicious use of computers and mobile devices. It includes practical suggestions to minimize the potentially serious risks.
Can You See Me Now? The Growing Problem of Sexting in the Public Schools — A frank look at the rising incidence of sexting by middle and high school students, including an explanation of cellphone technology, potential legal issues, and preventative steps.
The History of Privacy in America — An overview of the origins of the right to privacy in America, its evolution as a legal concept, the impact of technology, and contemporary privacy issues.
Limewire Made Me Do It — and Other Digital Excuses — An overview of peer-to-peer software and its growing role in criminal cases.
Living in a Wired World: Can Personal Privacy Survive in the 21st-Century? — A detailed and entertaining look at contemporary privacy issues and the impact of new technology.
For an extensive list of Lane’s lectures, seminars, and panel discussions, click here.