Dear Attorney !*LASTNAME*!,
Over the last decade, peer-to-peer file (P2P) sharing systems have become the single largest source of traffic on the Internet. Free clients like LimeWire, FrostWire, KaZaA, µTorrent, and BitTorrent have made it easy for computer users to tap into an seemingly endless stream of movies, music, and adult materials that circulate on P2P networks. Unfortunately, P2P networks have also become one of the leading tools for the distribution of child pornography. As a result, Federal and state law enforcement agents have made P2P networks an increasingly high-priority target for computer-related criminal investigations and prosecutions.
“LimeWire Made Me Do It” is 2-3 hour seminar designed to aid public defenders and CJA panel attorneys in understanding the operation of P2P networks and clients, and the techniques used by law enforcement to investigate the sharing and downloading of contraband across the Internet. This seminar also explains basic computer forensics terminology and techniques — critical information for assessing and effectively defending the rising number of computer-based crimes.
I am an attorney and computer forensics expert with ten years experience working with state and federal public defenders, and have lectured extensively to attorneys and other groups on computer-related legal issues. Versions of this seminar have been presented to federal public defenders in Vermont and Washington, D.C., and to criminal defense attorneys in several states. I look forward to tailoring this presentation to meet the needs of the public defenders and CJA panel attorneys in your district. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like additional details.
Frederick Lane
The slide below is a link to the download page for the handout [PDF] of my recent LimeWire lecture in Washington. Please feel free to share it with your colleagues.


Frederick S. Lane
Expert Witness
To Schedule a Seminar for Your Defenders
Or CJA Panel Attorneys,
Please Call 802-318-4604
or Email Me.
Frederick Lane is an author, attorney, educational consultant, expert witness, and lecturer who has appeared on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, the BBC, and MSNBC. He currently serves as chairman of the Burlington (VT) School Board. His fifth book, “American Privacy: The Four-Hundred-Year History of Our Most Contested Right,” is now available from Beacon Press or the retailer of your choice. Visit for additional information.
Contact information: 802-318-4604 | | |
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